Friday, February 24, 2012

Why God is not *Physically* Active in Human Affairs

          Even as a true believer of the word of God in the Holy scriptures, specifically the Bible, I too like many people throughtout the world (non-believers, other non-Godly religions, ect.) also sometimes mentally question the physical abscence of God as we understand him. It seems to be a hidden natural human instinct, maybe even imbedded in our DNA. Although, one has to remember, or be familiar with the material in the scriptures and this instinctive question is clearly answered. Just like everything else about God is answered in the scriptures. Also, he has, afterall, crated us the owners of this planet. Each with our own individual critical thinking abilities to rule our own destiny. Why would he create self-beings to micro-manage them? Also, what kind of Free Will would operate under such control? One just has to think logically, and the answer will pop-up by itself naturally.
You can trace in within the Bible how God becomes increasingly more idle in interfering with human activities, from the Old Testament to the NT. He had his own reasons, as part of the overall picture, to be very active in Genesis, Exodus, and *probably most of the OT (*not an expert on the OT). Then, in the NT testament he is of course in physical form as Jesus. So, still involved to a degree, by being actually physically present. As he set the standard to give us a chance to reclaim our place in his kingdom; salvation, and left us a key tool: the Bible itself which was later written. So, it's a very clear picture the one that it's left: follow the plan of salvation, because that's is the last lifeline act left in the script. Knowing this makes everything else makes sense; why God stopped getting involved some time after we chose to follow Satan in sin. Some might argue that this is a rough plan, and a tough road. Although, at the same time we don't know the why to many things in creation, why they're the way they appear, and we see them, etc.. So, it's a waste of time to even think towards that direction anyway. What we have been presented with is very clear though, and backs itself-up endlessly since written. That's what's important! You can't start planning to build a house if you don't have the land. The information we have is exactly what we need for what humanity got itself into.
The fact that God is not physically active after Jesus is evidence itself of the truth of the Bible. We have to follow the plan of salvation, that's all that was left for us.