Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Watchman Video Broadcast 02-10-13: King James Code Volume 1

King James Code Volume 2: http://youtu.be/6vl792szv1A
King James Code Volume 3: http://youtu.be/tUET9kg2T7U

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why Not to Eat Unclean Foods (Improve You Health and Quality of Life)

There are valuable reasons why to follow God's words in the Bible, even when it comes to food: (unclean foods: earth scavengers; pork, vultures, rabbits, etc., ocean scavengers; all shellfish, and fermented alcoholic drinks)

Daniel 1:8-17 New American Standard Bible (NASB) (Daniel’s Resolve)

8 But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself. 9 Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials, 10 and the commander of the officials said to Daniel, “I am afraid of my lord the king, who has appointed your food and your drink; for why should he see your faces looking more haggard than the youths who are your own age? Then you would make me forfeit my head to the king.” 11 But Daniel said to the overseer whom the commander of the officials had appointed over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, 12 “Please test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our appearance be observed in your presence and the appearance of the youths who are eating the king’s choice food; and deal with your servants according to what you see.”

14 So he listened to them in this matter and tested them for ten days. 15 At the end of ten days their appearance seemed better and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food. 16 So the overseer continued to withhold their choice food and the wine they were to drink, and kept giving them vegetables.

17 As for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.


God is not in judgement when you defile yourself eating unhealthy foods; it's not a transgression under the New Covenant, but God's words never lie, unclean food are for a fact bad for you, scientifically observable. If you really love God and Jesus C., you will keep their words. In the end, it's to benefit you and to maximize this life. And we are being measured on how deeply we understand and how careful we are keeping God's words in our hearts.

Proverbs 7:1-3 New King James Version (NKJV)
  • My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you.
  • 2 Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye.
  • 3 Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.

John 10:10 New King James Version (NKJV)

  • The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. ~ Jesus C.

1 Corinthians 6:19 New King James Version (NKJV)

  • Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
For the full listing of clean and unclean foods refer to Leviticus 11. Read it from a Bible translation version that is easier to understand and expand on, like the Amplified Bible (AMP) and the Easy-to-Read Version (ERV), each respectively.

God Bless!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough | TechBeat

Before you jump off the deep end and have visions of “Beam me up Scotty” the research is nowhere near that advanced yet!  However, we are few steps closer than you may think, as scientists from Japan and Switzerland, have produced new research developments which “could change the very face of computing and technological security,” according to the National Journal. - (by Scott Lee)

'via Blog this'

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How Hard it is For Those Who Have Riches to Enter the Kingdom of God! (Luke 18:24)

Luke 18:24-30, & 19:1-10 NKJV | Reina-Valera (RVR1960) | (العربيّة) Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-AR)

With God All Things Are Possible

And when Jesus saw that he became very sorrowful, He said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! 25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

26 And those who heard it said, “Who then can be saved?”

27 But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

28 Then Peter said, “See, we have left all and followed You.”

29 So He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life.”

Luke 19:1-10 New King James Version (NKJV)

Jesus Comes to Zacchaeus’ House

Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho. 2 Now behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. 3 And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not because of the crowd, for he was of short stature. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” 6 So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. 7 But when they saw it, they all complained, saying, “He has gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner.”

8 Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.”

9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

Lucas 18:24-30 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

24 Al ver Jesús que se había entristecido mucho, dijo: !!Cuán difícilmente entrarán en el reino de Dios los que tienen riquezas!

25 Porque es más fácil pasar un camello por el ojo de una aguja, que entrar un rico en el reino de Dios.

26 Y los que oyeron esto dijeron: ¿Quién, pues, podrá ser salvo?

27 Él les dijo: Lo que es imposible para los hombres, es posible para Dios.

28 Entonces Pedro dijo: He aquí, nosotros hemos dejado nuestras posesiones y te hemos seguido.

29 Y él les dijo: De cierto os digo, que no hay nadie que haya dejado casa, o padres, o hermanos, o mujer, o hijos, por el reino de Dios,

30 que no haya de recibir mucho más en este tiempo, y en el siglo venidero la vida eterna.

Lucas 19:1-10 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

Jesús y Zaqueo

19 Habiendo entrado Jesús en Jericó, iba pasando por la ciudad.

2 Y sucedió que un varón llamado Zaqueo, que era jefe de los publicanos, y rico,

3 procuraba ver quién era Jesús; pero no podía a causa de la multitud, pues era pequeño de estatura.

4 Y corriendo delante, subió a un árbol sicómoro para verle; porque había de pasar por allí.

5 Cuando Jesús llegó a aquel lugar, mirando hacia arriba, le vio, y le dijo: Zaqueo, date prisa, desciende, porque hoy es necesario que pose yo en tu casa.

6 Entonces él descendió aprisa, y le recibió gozoso.

7 Al ver esto, todos murmuraban, diciendo que había entrado a posar con un hombre pecador.

8 Entonces Zaqueo, puesto en pie, dijo al Señor: He aquí, Señor, la mitad de mis bienes doy a los pobres; y si en algo he defraudado a alguno, se lo devuelvo cuadruplicado.

9 Jesús le dijo: Hoy ha venido la salvación a esta casa; por cuanto él también es hijo de Abraham.

10 Porque el Hijo del Hombre vino a buscar y a salvar lo que se había perdido.

18:24-30 ﻟﻮﻗﺎ Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-AR)

24 فَلَمّا رَأى يَسُوعُ أنَّهُ ذَهَبَ حَزِيناً قالَ: «ما أصعَبَ أنْ يَدخُلَ أصحابُ الأموالِ مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ! 25 أنْ يَمُرَّ جَمَلٌ مِنْ ثُقبِ إبرَةٍ، أيسَرُ مِنْ أنْ يَدخُلَ غَنِيٌّ مَلَكُوتَ اللهِ.»

مَنْ يُمكِنُ أنْ يَخلُص

26 فَلَمّا سَمِعَ النّاسُ هَذا قالُوا: «فَمَنْ يُمكِنُ أنْ يَخلُصَ إذاً؟»

27 قالَ يَسُوعُ: «ما هُوَ مُستَحِيلٌ عِندَ النّاسِ مُمكِنٌ عِندَ اللهِ.»

28 ثُمَّ قالَ بُطرُسُ: «ها نَحنُ قَدْ تَرَكنا كُلَّ ما كانَ لَنا لِكَيْ نَتبَعَكَ!»

29 فَقالَ لَهُمْ يَسُوعُ: «أقُولُ الحَقَّ لَكُمْ، مَنْ تَرَكَ بَيتاً أوْ زَوجَةً أوْ إخْوَةً أوْ أبَوَيْنِ أوْ أبناءً مِنْ أجلِ مَلَكُوتِ اللهِ، 30 سَيُعَوَّضُ بِأضعافٍ كَثِيرَةٍ فِي هَذِهِ الحَياةِ. وَسَيَحيا فِي الحَياةِ الآتِيَةِ مَعَ اللهِ إلَى الأبَدِ.

19:1-10 ﻟﻮﻗﺎ Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-AR)

يَسُوعُ وَزَكّا

1 وَدَخَلَ يَسُوعُ أرِيحا وَراحَ يَمشِي فِيها. 2 فَجاءَ رَجُلٌ اسْمُهُ زَكّا، وهُوَ رَجُلٌ غَنيٌ مِنْ كِبارِ جامِعِي الضَّرائِبِ، 3 وَأرادَ أنْ يَرَى مَنْ يَكُونُ يَسُوعُ. لَكِنَّهُ عَجِزَ عَنْ رُؤيَتِهِ بِسَبَبِ الحَشدِ، لأنَّهُ قَصِيْرَ القامَةِ. 4 فَرَكَضَ وَسَبَقَ الجَمِيعَ، وَتَسَلَّقَ شَجَرَةَ جُمِّيْزٍ راجِياً أنْ يَرَى يَسُوعَ الَّذِي كانَ سَيَمُرُّ مِنْ ذَلِكَ المَكانِ.

5 وَعِندَما وَصَلَ يَسُوعُ إلَى المَكانِ، رَفَعَ بَصَرَهُ وَقالَ لَهُ: «يا زَكّا، عَجِّلْ بِالنُّزُولِ، لِأنَّهُ لا بُدَّ أنْ أمْكُثَ اليَومَ فِي بَيتِكَ.»

6 فَنَزَلَ بِسُرعَةٍ وَاستَضافَهُ فِي بَيتِهِ فَرِحاً.

7 فَلَمّا رَأى النّاسُ ذَلِكَ، بَدَأُوا يَتَذَمَّرُونَ وَيَقولونَ: «لَقَدْ ذَهَبَ لِيَحِلَّ ضَيفاً عَلَى إنسانٍ خاطِئٍ.»

8 أمّا زَكّا فَقَدْ وَقَفَ وَقالَ لِلرَّبِّ: «يا رَبُّ! ها أنا سَأُعطِي نِصفَ ما أملكُهُ لِلفُقَراء. وَإنْ كُنْتُ قَدِ ظَلَمْتُ أحَداً، فَإنِّي سَأُعَوِّضُهُ بِأربَعَةِ أضعافٍ.»

9 فَقالَ يَسُوعُ: «اليَومَ جاءَ الخَلاصُ إلَى هَذا البَيتِ. فَهَذا الرَّجُلُ هُوَ أيضاً ابنٌ لإبراهِيمَ. 10 لِأنَّ ابنَ الإنسانَ جاءَ لِكَي يَجِدَ الضّائِعِيْنَ فَيُخَلِّصَهُمْ.

Sponsor a poor child today (from anywhere in the world):

Here Jesus is telling all Wall Street bidders, Lamborghini and Ferrari/mansion owners, and 60k+ salary recipients, how hard it is for them to enter the kingdom of God with their current status (stacking money and not helping the poor and the needy/communities). This is one of the main reasons why Jesus was plotted against and eventually tried, no one wants to hear this (the truth is hard to accept in a sinful world, fallen into Satan's lap and well entertained by his forces in the air/his media and controlled mainstream). But then of course he resurrected to show them who He is, in case there was any doubt. *The King of all Creation. Nice try Satan, but you can't kill one of the co-creators!

God Bless!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How Does God Know and Dominate Everything that Exists?

Well, how *does God know it all? How does He dominate everything that exists? Get ready to go on a mind-expanding exercise!  

There is a quantum physics observation that gives us physical prove that God himself if sustaining the universe and reality as we know it, live, and every millisecond of reality as we speak. The video below this wonderful quote of scriptures expands on how this scientific observation comes alive.

No wonder you don't hear much about quantum physics on TV, it blows any atheistic theory out of its socks clean without any possible challenge. We're at a point when the mainstream media is rather being kept quiet about the latest scientific experiments and discoveries due to the complex level of knowledge that is being discovered. Information that clearly suggests that there is a force (forces) that are beyond our physical plain of reality that we cannot control or predict, but which are still directly influencing our physical reality at the same time (intrinsic to space and time).

Nehemiah 9:6 New King James Version (NKJV)
You alone are the Lord;
You have made heaven,
The heaven of heavens, with all their host,
The earth and everything on it,
The seas and all that is in them,
And You preserve them all.
The host of heaven worships You.

Video by GateMessenger

Acts 17:25-28 
New King James Version (NKJV)

25 Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. 26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’

Hebrews 1:3 New King James Version (NKJV)

who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person [referring to Jesus Christ], and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

Colossians 1:17 
New King James Version (NKJV)

17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist [referring to Jesus Christ].

Isaiah 40:26 New King James Version (NKJV)

26 Lift up your eyes on high,
And see who has created these things,
Who brings out their host by number;
He calls them all by name,
By the greatness of His might
And the strength of His power;
Not one is missing.

God Bless!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Timing is of the Essence, and Combined with Knowledge--Priceless

photo by shutterstock.com

          Timing in time is of the essence, and combined with expanding knowledge it's of priceless value.

          Part of God's perfection is due to His nature of timing (ahead of time) and knowing everything so well (as He created it all), in the Bible. No other text will give you these details of the creator, up-close as you can get, for us being mortal humans. It is His word to us, because in Genesis 6:3 God is telling us right from the beginning after Adam and Eve fell into sin, that he could not physically abide with us on Earth for much longer after that. Due to our new state of unholiness the scriptures were to come as His word to us in this physical world, God has never forgot us the scriptures point-out. He dwells with us in spirit (John 4:24) and via the helper (John 15:26-27/Holy Spirit) until judgement day. The Chief Priest of the restoration plan (Salvation Plan) is Jesus Christ of course, accept Him and you accept God's gift to be restored to eternal life, either if you need to be resurrected (you die the first death) or you live until to that day and hour (Matthew 24:36).

Yes, 'The Great Controversy' is real, an excellent book (for all true believers) from the ministry of Ellen G. White based on the scriptures. Get it while there's still time.

God (YHWH) Bless!

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Great Hope, by Ellen G. White: Chapter 2 — Hope for Triumph Over Evil

(sections in this post: Grace from Christ, A Vigilant Foe, and Angels Help) 

Chapter intro-

"I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15. This enmity is not natural. When man transgressed the divine law, his nature became evil, in harmony with Satan. Fallen angels and wicked men united in desperate companionship. Had not God interposed, Satan and man would have entered into an alliance against Heaven, and the whole human family would have been united in opposition to God. When Satan heard that enmity should exist between himself and the woman, and between his seed and her seed, he knew that by some means man was to be enabled to resist his power.

Grace from Christ

Christ implants in man enmity against Satan. Without this converting grace and renewing power, man would continue a servant ever ready to do Satan's bidding. But the new principle in the soul creates conflict; the power which Christ imparts enables man to resist the tyrant. To abhor sin instead of loving it displays a principle wholly from above. The antagonism between Christ and Satan was strikingly displayed in the world's reception of Jesus. The purity and holiness of Christ called forth against Him the hatred of the ungodly. His self-denial was a perpetual reproof to a proud, sensual people. Satan and evil angels joined with evil men against the Champion of truth. The same enmity is manifested toward Christ's followers. Whoever resists temptation will arouse the wrath of Satan. Christ and Satan cannot harmonize. "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." 2 Timothy 3:12. Satan's agents seek to deceive Christ's followers and allure them from their allegiance. They pervert Scripture to accomplish their object. The spirit which put Christ to death moves the wicked to destroy His followers. All this is foreshadowed in that first prophecy: "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed." Why is it that Satan meets no greater resistance? Because the soldiers of Christ have so little real connection with Christ. Sin is not to them repulsive as it was to their Master. They do not meet it with determined resistance. They are blinded to the character of the prince of darkness. Multitudes do not know that their enemy is a mighty general warring against Christ. Even ministers of the gospel overlook the evidences of his activity. They seem to ignore his very existence.

A Vigilant Foe

This vigilant foe is intruding his presence in every household, in every street, in the churches, in national councils, in courts of justice, perplexing, deceiving, seducing, everywhere ruining the souls and bodies of men, women, and children. He breaks up families, sowing hatred, strife, sedition, and murder. And the world seems to regard these things as though God had appointed them and they must exist. All who are not decided followers of Christ are servants of Satan. When Christians choose the society of the ungodly, they expose themselves to temptation. Satan conceals himself from view and draws his deceptive covering over their eyes. Conformity to worldly customs converts the church to the world, never the world to Christ. Familiarity with sin will cause it to appear less repulsive. When in the way of duty we are brought into trial, we may be sure God will protect us; but if we place ourselves under temptation we shall fall sooner or later. The tempter often works most successfully through those least suspected of being under his control. Talent and culture are gifts of God; but when these lead away from Him, they become a snare. Many a man of cultured intellect and pleasant manners is a polished instrument in the hands of Satan. Never forget the inspired warning sounding down the centuries to our time: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." 1 Peter 5:8; Ephesians 6:11. Our great enemy is preparing for his last campaign. All who follow Jesus will be in conflict with this foe. The more nearly the Christian imitates the divine Pattern, the more surely will he make himself a mark for the attacks of Satan. Satan assailed Christ with fierce and subtle temptations; but he was repulsed in every conflict. Those victories make it possible for us to conquer. Christ will give strength to all who seek it. No man without his own consent can be overcome by Satan. The tempter has no power to control the will or force the soul to sin. He can cause distress, but not defilement. The fact that Christ conquered should inspire His followers with courage to fight the battle against sin and Satan.

Angels Help

Angels of God and evil spirits are plainly revealed in Scripture and interwoven with human history. Holy angels that "minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" (Hebrews 1:14) are regarded by many as spirits of the dead. But the Scriptures present proof that these are not disembodied spirits of the dead. Before the creation of man, angels were in existence, for when the foundations of the earth were laid, "the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy." Job 38:7. After the fall of man, angels were sent to guard the tree of life before a human being had died. Angels are superior to men, for man was made "a little lower than the angels." Psalm 8:5. Says the prophet, "I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne." In the presence of the King of kings they wait—"ministers of his, that do his pleasure," "hearkening unto the voice of his word," "an innumerable company." Revelation 5:11; Psalm 103:20, 21; Hebrews 12:22. As God's messengers they go forth, like "the appearance of a flash of lightning," so swift their flight. The angel that appeared at the Saviour's tomb, his countenance "like lightning," caused the keepers for fear of him to quake, and they "became as dead men." When Sennacherib blasphemed God and threatened Israel, "the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand." Ezekiel 1:14; Matthew 28:3, 4; 2 Kings 19:35. Angels are sent on missions of mercy to the children of God. To Abraham, with promises of blessing; to Sodom, to rescue Lot from doom; to Elijah, about to perish in the desert; to Elisha, with chariots and horses of fire when he was shut in by his foes; to Daniel, while abandoned to become the lion's prey; to Peter, doomed to death in Herod's dungeon; to the prisoners at Philippi; to Paul in the night of tempest on the sea; to open the mind of Cornelius to receive the gospel; to dispatch Peter with the message of salvation to the Gentile stranger—thus holy angels have ministered to God's people.

Monday, April 29, 2013


One unique aspect of the Bible, that being the very Word of God to us humanity, it addresses in a very detailed manner the abomination that exists towards the only Living God when a people or an individual turn to idle worship and pagan gods as their source of spiritual guidance and companionship. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

God's Existence (Documentary)

This documentary shows us what the mainstream media is manipulated to hide from your eyes. The truth is kept far away, new advances in science are hidden-away quick as not to cause any impact on the mainstream audience. Enjoy!

Credit to the publishers for their great compilations of images and sounds as well.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Temptation, that lane that always looks wide, and is wide, that you're willing to walk even through rain or a steep terrain. Don't walk on that lane!

Matthew 26:41 King James Version (KJV)

41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing [has a strong will/strong], but the flesh is weak. (- Jesus C.)

James 1:13-14 King James Version (KJV)

13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

James, the half-brother of Jesus was truly a strong man in faith. You can tell this by his work while in the spirit of God writing for us.

Job 2:1-10 New King James Version (NKJV)

Satan Attacks Job’s Health

Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”

Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”

3 Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil? And still he holds fast to his integrity, although you incited Me against him, to destroy him without cause.”

4 So Satan answered the Lord and said, “Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has he will give for his life. 5 But stretch out Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will surely curse You to Your face!”

6 And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand, but spare his life.”

7 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord, and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. 8 And he took for himself a potsherd with which to scrape himself while he sat in the midst of the ashes.

9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

God allowed Satan to tempt Job a few times actually and never did Job blame God or turn bitter towards God. PASSED with flying colors (with God passing is 100% *ONLY, He knows your heart, it's YES or NO [100% or 0%]).

Matthew 26:41: 
Another of the many examples of the Word of God depicting the human soul; a combination of the mind and body/spirit and flesh, not either or the other, but both. So, when your flesh dies, you pass away, your spirit is there too in sleep. A state of sleep according to the Bible. The spirit is not "ETERNAL" as many other worldly religions coin it. Your soul dies with your body when you die physically (the whole package), you're not going anywhere ("nirvana" or 'the purgatory," or "spirit haven,"...none of that actually is real, fairy tales of Satan). Until God revives you during the end of time and resurrection, when the whole project is over you will be in a state of sleep that no one can awaken from or be woken-up ("dead" as we call it).

God (Yahweh) Bless you!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Are We Living in a Simulated Universe? - via Slate Magazine

Are We Living in a Simulated Universe?

It’s a testable question.

Lawrence Fishburne and Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, 1999.

"If the universe is just a Matrix-like simulation, how could we ever know? Physicist Silas Beane of the University of Bonn, Germany, thinks he has the answer. His paper "Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation" has been submitted to the journal Physical Review D." (by Justin Mullins)

Read full article:
Simulated universe: Testing the laws of physics to determine whether we’re in a Matrix. - Slate Magazine:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Devil In Your Living Room | via thenorthfield

“And to no marvel; for satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” II Corinthians 11:14-15
Satan's altar
"In this post, I am going to explain how a television works. I’m not going to get too technical about it, but you will have a clear picture (no pun intended) by the time you’re done reading this.We see things on TV because the Cathode Ray Tube (or CRT) allows us to see light that is not normally visible to the naked eye. It works by lighting up particles within the transmitted TV waves, (electro magnetic waves). The phosphor paper that is placed behind the screen determines what color the image will or won’t be. When the electrons hit the phosphor paper, it glows. The more electrons that hit the paper, the brighter the picture.
So when an image is filmed by a TV camera, it gets scanned and turned into transmittable waves. Those waves are sent through the air, and received by your television. The receiver in your TV turns those waves into information. That information is then projected by the CRT onto the phosphor paper, which turns it into light that you can see through the screen. That’s the basic mechanics of how a TV works. So in short, information is sent through the air, received by your TV, turned into images, and projected out as visible light." (written by thenorthfield753)
Read full article: The Devil In Your Living Room | via thenorthfield:

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Word Became Flesh and the Trinity Explained

          God is 'Elohim' (the Hebrew construct for God) which is actually a plural compound (see The Hebrew Name of God - Elohim) and allows for the observation of God as a Godhead 'trinity' to be applied. The word 'trinity' itself is not in the Bible, but the concept of a trinity between the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit is very clear to be the case in the essence of what God is speaking to us through the authors. It's funny (joyous) how God gives us everything we need to know in one form or another; either through the original Hebrew or through careful examination of His word in numerous languages throughout the world. Amen. There is only one 'God Almighty' and 'King of Kings and Lord of Lords' in the Bible, and that being God Himself the father. I personally prefer the common term of King David and some of the other prophets 'Lord of Hosts.' 

          When the Bible says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" and later on that same chapter "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth" (John 1:1 and John 1:14 KJV). What does this mean?

          First let's take a look at another verse of reference to lock the information in for us: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:26 KJV). Okay, so we now know that there was more than one person during creation week that are responsible for all things created. This means that from reading the first two verses I mentioned above this paragraph and this Genesis verse we can identify that the 'Word' is an entity that was with God in the beginning, and by the text 'as of the only begotten of the Father' we know that this is telling us it was Jesus the Christ and not the Holy Spirit of the three possible entities that we know to make up the Godhead and to have been present with God during creation. So, the word of God is telling us clearly that Jesus the Christ (the Word) has always existed in the form of the very 'Word of God'). We have to think outside the box because otherwise we would not comprehend what is being described here to us by God. This is not something that we're used to hearing. The Father and Son relationship between God and Jesus Christ is so close that they're one-in-the-same in many aspects (John 14:7). But we must not limit ourselves to our earthly information about a father-son co-existence because that's the human form of the relationship, and which only pertains to us in our human experience.

          So, in a simple term applied; Jesus the Christ ('Yahoshua' in the Hebrew) is the Word of God that became born in the flesh (a living human soul). When you coin this together you can then understand why Jesus has the power He possesses and displayed while here on Earth evangelism and setting up God's salvation plan. We cannot compare this to any human father-son traits' inheritance. This is beyond us and much stronger. God is not human or human-like, God is a spirit (John 4:24), which is much more powerful than we can understand. Therefore, Jesus Christ is God's word essence itself (which God used to speak all creation into existence as held in Genesis) while in a human soul which He kept and ascended back to heaven with. This is why Jesus said "I AM" in John 8:58 and "I am the Alpha and the Omega" (beginning and the end) in Revelation 1:8/22:13.

          Then we have the Holy Spirit, which is God's Holy spirit itself which also operates individually on behalf of God as God is telling us in various Bible verses, that this is also a separate entity with its own separate role: "Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are witnesses of these things. And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:45-49 KJV). This power is known to be later on in the book of Acts as the Holy Spirit: "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:1-4 KJV, approximately in 30-40 A.D., after Jesus Christ ascended into heaven). 

          There are various more verses clearly identifying the Holy Spirit as its own separate entity of God with its own unique role of comforting our souls in the many forms experienced as a believer. Without the Holy Spirit we would be fighting sin and evil on our own and that would not be a good picture. We'd be mentally defeated time-after-time and fall into the many temptations from the principalities of Satan out and about.


          In conclusion, Jesus Christ is not God the Father (but he is also our God by the definition of the word 'God' because he is our co-creator from during creation week (and see the Isaiah 9:6 prophecy). Jesus Christ is God's only begotten son, God's 'Word' that became flesh. And The Holy Spirit is not God the father either, it's a separate entity God has designated just like Jesus Christ. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one [united and of God]" (1 John 5:7 NKJ).

In the name of Elohim, Bless You!  

Monday, March 4, 2013

3D Printing On The Frontlines — Army Deploying $2.8M Mobile Fabrication Labs | Singularity Hub

          Throughout history, war and innovation have gone hand in hand, whether it’s breakthroughs out of heavily funded R&D programs or makeshift contraptions thrown together with spare parts. Soldiers are trained to use the technology on hand to get the job done, one way or the other. (Written By: David J. Hill)
Read article: 3D Printing On The Frontlines — Army Deploying $2.8M Mobile Fabrication Labs | Singularity Hub

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rainbows: The Sign of God's [No Flood] Covenant

Rainbow over grass landscape
Rainbow over grass landscape (full size, click here)

So, what is a rainbow?

bow - arc

          From the human/scientific observation we know that a rainbow is a refraction of light as it crosses through a medium such as water and humid air (in the case of a rainbow) that separates the light spectrum. However, there remains a bigger question; how come it doesn't happen throughout an entire high humidity and rain combination of weather? (How come you can't create a rainbow yourself all that easily without a prism?) The answer is that there is another factor in play that we don't see, unless we read a source that actually tells us the why, the who, the where, and the how. And that source is the Bible The Word of God.

What does the Bible say?

          A rainbow appears where most people in the area (if not all) can see it during rainfall (before, during, or after) as an automated signal to humanity of God's covenant with us of no more diluvian-scale floods throughout the planet. So, when it rains and we see a rainbow we can rejoice and be thankful that God is signaling to us, whichever town it may be on, that His word has not expired and the word He gives us is never broken.

Genesis 9:8-17
King James Version (KJV)
And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying, 
And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; 
10 And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. 
11 And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. 
12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 
13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. 
14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 
15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. 
16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.  
In courtesy of biblegateway.com
           For more exotic rainbow wallpapers visit funonline.in.
God Bless!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Russian meteor: Estimated 1,200 people hurt

CHELYABINSK, Russia— A meteorite streaked across the sky and exploded over central Russia on Friday, raining fireballs over a vast area and causing a shock wave that smashed windows, damaged buildings and injured 1,200 people. 

(By Natalia Shurmina and Andrey Kuzmin | Reuters - 2:41 p.m. CSTFebruary 15, 2013)

Read the full story at http://www.chicagotribune.com/Russian meteor: Estimated 1,200 people hurt

Another interesting event, which is now in the past, but much has been revealed after the fact; this video study puts together the bigger picture of Hurricane Sandy. The picture which the vision of Biblical prophecy is giving us, and only the Bible The Word of God can show us: